The Ulysses Town Board hereby establishes the Ulysses Conservation and Sustainability Advisory Council (CSAC) as a standing advisory committee to the Board, to research and recommend policies, procedures, and practices to enable the Town to manage and protect its natural resources, and promote environmental sustainability. The Advisory Council will operate under the guidelines of NYS GML Article 12-F section 239-x, regulations for Conservation Advisory Councils and focus on areas consistent with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and other relevant Town, County, and State planning documents, key elements of New York State’s Cleaner Greener Communities initiatives and strategic plans, and relevant to current and proposed Town laws.
(term ends 12/31/2025)
name: contact info:
Composition and Appointment of Members:
The Council was initially established by Town Board resolution on April 26, 2016 through December 31, 2017, and has been continued on an annual basis. This resolution supersedes the previous resolution and establishes the CSAC as a standing advisory committee to the Town Board. The Chair, and 2-8 additional members are appointed by resolution of the Town Board, with staggered terms. Up to two additional members who are between the ages of 16 and 21 may be appointed to the council.
Scope of work:
The Council will propose and is free to modify its annual work plan, and submit it to the Town Board. The Chair will work with the Town Board to prioritize Council projects. The Council is free to work on issues as a whole or in task groups, but any actions being recommended to the Town Board or to other standing or special committees of the Board, or appointed boards in the Town of Ulysses should have the endorsement by resolution of a majority of the appointed members of the Conservation and Sustainability Advisory Council.
Building Energy Benchmarking
2017 Resolution on Benchmarking
Other sample Topic Areas (as of 2022):
The Town’s Planner has a full work plan and cannot staff the Council, but can provide technical assistance as time permits. The Council shall keep its own meeting notes and may schedule the conference room and use the copier at the Town Hall. Town staff can assist with preparation of the Council annual report for submission to the NYS commissioner of environmental conservation.
The Council shall make monthly reports through the Town Board liaison or privilege of the floor and may request time on the Town Board agenda for presentations when making recommendations.
The Ulysses Town Board hereby establishes the Ulysses Conservation and Sustainability Advisory Council (CSAC) as a standing advisory committee to the Board, to research and recommend policies, procedures, and practices to enable the Town to manage and protect its natural resources, and promote environmental sustainability. The Advisory Council will operate under the guidelines of NYS GML Article 12-F section 239-x, regulations for Conservation Advisory Councils and focus on areas consistent with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and other relevant Town, County, and State planning documents, key elements of New York State’s Cleaner Greener Communities initiatives and strategic plans, and relevant to current and proposed Town laws.
(term ends 12/31/2025)
name: contact info:
Roxanne Marino, Chair (annual appointment) | |
Bara Hotchkiss | |
Andy Hillman | |
Marissa Nolan | |
Terry Carroll | |
Christine Collins | |
Cait Darfler | |
Mary Bouchard |
Composition and Appointment of Members:
The Council was initially established by Town Board resolution on April 26, 2016 through December 31, 2017, and has been continued on an annual basis. This resolution supersedes the previous resolution and establishes the CSAC as a standing advisory committee to the Town Board. The Chair, and 2-8 additional members are appointed by resolution of the Town Board, with staggered terms. Up to two additional members who are between the ages of 16 and 21 may be appointed to the council.
Scope of work:
The Council will propose and is free to modify its annual work plan, and submit it to the Town Board. The Chair will work with the Town Board to prioritize Council projects. The Council is free to work on issues as a whole or in task groups, but any actions being recommended to the Town Board or to other standing or special committees of the Board, or appointed boards in the Town of Ulysses should have the endorsement by resolution of a majority of the appointed members of the Conservation and Sustainability Advisory Council.
Building Energy Benchmarking
2017 Resolution on Benchmarking
Other sample Topic Areas (as of 2022):
- Participate with, and recommend to the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee any changes that would encourage conservation and/or sustainability, focusing as a priority on incorporating sustainability elements into an updated Plan.
- Research ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy efficiency, and increase climate change resilience using NYS Climate Smart Communities and Clean Energy Communities guidelines and resources; work with Town Board and staff on recertification as a Climate Smart Community and continued designation as a Clean Energy Community; work on implementation of impact action items within those programs and related grant opportunities.
- Review water resource issues as they will be influenced by climate change; support the Source Water Protection Plan Committee and New York Rural Water Association work towards a water resource protection plan for the Town.
- Research and advise on the feasibility of creating local energy supply options such as a municipal solar farm, an inter-municipal local utility, or community choice aggregation.
- Assist the Town Planner and Board in creating inventories and maps of open lands within the Town (an open space plan), and recommend to the Town Board ecologically suitable uses for all such areas.
- Assist with public education on conservation and sustainability initiatives and financing opportunities to assist local residents and businesses.
- Assist with habitat protection programming and designations, such as a Bee Friendly Community or Tree City USA, the Salo Habitat Preserve, and the Tree Advisory Committee.
- Research and recommend waste reduction and sustainable resource use actions.
The Town’s Planner has a full work plan and cannot staff the Council, but can provide technical assistance as time permits. The Council shall keep its own meeting notes and may schedule the conference room and use the copier at the Town Hall. Town staff can assist with preparation of the Council annual report for submission to the NYS commissioner of environmental conservation.
The Council shall make monthly reports through the Town Board liaison or privilege of the floor and may request time on the Town Board agenda for presentations when making recommendations.
Boards & Committees
- Ag Committee
- Bee Friendly Community Committee
- Board of Zoning Appeals
- Comp Plan Steering Committee (CPSC)
- Conservation & Sustainability Advisory Council
- Habitat Nature Preserve Advisory Committee
- Planning Board
- Tree Advisory Council
- Water Source Protection Plan Committee (WSPPC)
- Youth Commission
Town of Ulysses, NY
Mailing address:
10 Elm St.
Trumansburg, NY 14886
Fax: (607) 387-5843
All rights reserved.
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