Regulations and Local Laws
Building Permits are required to build single, or two-family residences, multi-family residences, and commercial buildings. An application and complete set of plans stamped by a licensed New York State architect or engineer are required to obtain a building permit. Accessory buildings, residential additions, and remodeling may not require certified plans but may still require a Building Permit. Accessory buildings under 144 sq. ft. do not require a Building Permit, but must meet the requirements of the Ulysses Zoning Ordinance. A Site Plan is required for all new buildings and additions. Site Plan Review may be required by the Planning Board. All building shall be conducted under the NYS Building Code (Article 18). New construction must include a plot plan.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Fire Inspections - fire inspections are required on mulifamily residences at least once every 2 years. For public assemblies, inspections are required every year.
Operating Permits - a special operating permit is required to conduct any of the following activities.
- Manufacturing, storing or handling hazardous materials in quanitites exceeding those in NYS Fire Code.
- Conducting a hazardous process or activity.
- Use of pyrotechnic devices in assemblies
- Use of a public assembly of over 100 people within a building
See Section 10 of Local Law #1 2007 for details.
Special Events Law (Local Law #1 of 2010) - For commercial events or gatherings lasting more than eight hours with more than 50 vehicles. Events may or may not involve camping.
Stormwater Law (Local Law #3 of 2007)
Town of Ulysses, NY
Mailing address:
10 Elm St.
Trumansburg, NY 14886
Fax: (607) 387-5843
All rights reserved.
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