Ulysses 2025-2045, Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update
The Town of Ulysses is in the planning process of its periodic update to the 2009 Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is one of a Town's most important documents. It defines the community's vision, goals, and policies, and sets the framework for future public and private investments.
The Town Board is responsible for the preparation and adoption of the comprehensive plan update, and is authorized under State Law to appoint a special board directed to prepare the update to the 2009 Comp Plan . The Town Board has appointed the Comp Plan Steering Committee (CPSC) to advise and guide the development of the Town's Comprehensive Plan Update. The Committee is a broad representation of the community, and Committee members will serve as liaisons to their respective groups and organizations to help encourage community participation in this planning process. The Committee will aide in developing a plan to focus on the next 20-year period for the Town, and will help provide perspective on information gathered as well as feedback on draft policies and implementation actions.
Public input is critical to ensuring that the Comprehensive Plan reflects the current vision and goals of the community. Throughout this planning process, there will be opportunities for the public to engage . In accordance with Town Law (Consolidated Laws of New York 62.16) 272-A, the Committee is responsible for holding one or more public hearings, along with other meetings as necessary, to ensure the public has opportunities to participate in the preparation of the comprehensive plan update. The Committee will conduct public meetings approximately once a month and will work to gather community input to help identify services needed by the community, review existing land use patterns and practices, and eventually present a plan with recommendations to the Town Board. These meetings are open to the public and will be hybrid, held in person and on Zoom. Check their agendas or events calendar for more information about specific meetings and upcoming events, and please regulalry check the Comp Plan website developed by the Consulstant for more information.
(Please note, the Town's Comprehensive Plan does not encompass the long term planning for the Village of Trumansburg. The Village has its own jurisdictional authority and has adopted its own Comprehensive Plan.)
Take a Community Survey for the Comp Plan
Photography Competition
Project Timeline & Status
Document Library
The CPSC meetings will be held at Town Hall, 10 Elm Street Trumansburg, unless noticed otherwise. They may also be accessed by Zoom – link information can be found on the events calendar or on the corresponding meeting agenda.
And you can also join our Listserv to keep informed about upcoming meetings, news, and planned events.