Make ON-LINE payment for dog license renewals
What Dogs Must Be Licensed?
How to License Your Dog
Dog License Fees
License Renewal/Changes
Distribution of Dog License Monies
Dog Control Services
SPCA- General phone number- (607) 257-1822
SPCA Animal Control - (607) 592-6772
Dog License Application
Free Rabies Vaccination Clinics through the Tompkins County Dept. of Health
Low-cost Spay/Neuter Clinics: (Available to income-eligible pet owners)
Call 607-257-1822, ext. 244 for information and appointments.
Call 607-594-2255, ext. 205 for information and appointments.
Please note that fees are charged for this services:
Items or more will be charged 3.5%.
TOWN OF ULYSSES LOCAL LAW #2 of 2010: Dog Control and Licensing
NYS AG AND MARKETS LAW, Article 7- Dog Control
What Dogs Must Be Licensed?
Every dog over four months old, owned or harbored in New York State for longer than 30 days, must be licensed, unless:
The dog is harbored in New York City (these dogs must be licensed by the NYC Department of Health)
A non-resident brings a dog into New York State for less than 30 days and the dog is licensed according to the resident state's licensing laws
The dog is confined to the premises of any public or private hospital, research institution or a Class-A Dealer with a certificate of exemption from the Commissioner.
How to License Your Dog:
If you and your dog reside in the Town of Ulysses, apply for a dog license at the Town Clerk's Office, 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg, NY or download the dog license application, and return to the clerk's office.
For guide dogs, war dogs, hearing dogs, police work dogs, service dogs, therapy dogs, or detection dogs:
As of January 1, 2003, satisfactory proof is required, such as a training certificate, etc. for licenses.
In addition to the application the owner will need:
If the dog is spayed or neutered - a certificate from a licensed veterinarian or an affidavit from the owner showing that the dog has been spayed or neutered, unless this proof is already on file with the clerk;
All dogs three months or older must have proof of a rabies vaccination signed by a licensed veterinarian or a certificate stating why the life of the dog would be endangered by the vaccine; and
After the application and appropriate certificates are filed and the license fee has been paid, the license will be validated for one year by the Town of Ulysses Town Clerk. Each dog is assigned a permanent official identification (ID) number and issued a metal ID tag which is to be attached to the dog's collar.
What if I don't license my dog?
Dog owners who don't licence their dogs OR fail to renew their license are subject to a penalty of for the first violation; for the second violation; and for the third and subsequent violations; or by imprisonment. See Section 16 and 17 of Town of Ulysses Local Law #2 of 2010: Dog Control and Licensing for more information.
Dog License Fees
Spayed/neutered Dogs | 15.00 | |
Unspayed/unneutered | 25.00 | |
Guide Dog | No Fee | |
War Dog | No Fee | |
Hearing Dog | No Fee | |
Police Work Dog | No Fee | |
Service Dog | No Fee |
License Renewal Changes
License renewal forms will be mailed directly to the dog owner by the Town of Ulysses by the first day of the month that your license is due to expire. If you miss the deadline, a delinquent notice is sent. If we still don't hear from you, we must issue a ticket and a fine.
To avoid a penalty, please notify the Town Clerk in writing of any of the following changes:
- Dog ownership
- Dog owner's address
- Loss or theft of the dog (and if the dog is found, its return)
- Death of a dog
Distribution of Dog License Monies
The Town of Ulysses must submit for each licensed spayed/neutered dog ( for each unspayed/unneutered dog) to NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets.
Dog Control Services
General phone number- (607) 257-1822
Animal Control - (607) 319-5067
Every licensing town, city or village must have a Dog Control Officer (DCO) and municipal shelter services. The DCO and shelter service enforces both State and local dog laws and ordinances. Further, it is the DCO's responsibility to pick up lost and stray dogs and humanely care for them until they can be reunited with their owners.
The Town of Ulysses contracts annually for this with Tompkins County SPCA.
If your dog is lost or you find a lost dog, please contact the SPCA.
If a dog is lost but identified with an identification tag, the SPCA will contact the Town of Ulysses to trace the dog tag to the owner.
The local dog control officer must institute action for violations of both state and local laws. Fines or civil penalties shall be up to for the first offense, for the second and 0 for the third and subsequent offenses.
If dogs injure or kill livestock, the owner of said dog shall be liable for damages. The owner of the injured/killed animal shall make a complaint to the Dog Control Officer (SPCA).
Article 7 relates to the licensing, identification and control of dogs and the animal population control program in New York State and is administered by the Local Municipality. Dogs harbored in New York City, however, must be licensed by the New York City Department of Health. Local officials, generally animal control officers or dog control officers, are responsible for enforcing Article 7.
For information about Dog Control in the Town of Ulysses, please contact the Town Clerk's Office at 607-387-5767. For more information about the NYS Law, please contact the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets at 518-457-2728.
Town of Ulysses, NY
Mailing address:
10 Elm St.
Trumansburg, NY 14886
Fax: (607) 387-5843
All rights reserved.
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